Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Scrap and Strategize

trajectories and battles chosen
Stargaze, Call on your Oracles
Turn on the Lights. ET phone in.

Trust is a venture. Risk minimized,
is that foreseen. Eddie Kemper reads
Jung's Redbook in my mind. It's an
Audiobook, to into the webs.
Cultural exorcism. Personal,
of a malignant mom-ster,
De-literalized. Power dissipated.

Myceleum model suggested
also as method of practice.
Major glamour projects,
Experiments upon myself,
and by extension to others.

Finalize the myth to release,
leaving all possibility but
But capping the draw on energy
to its own and not binding
Self. De-literalized to transcen-dance.

Sexual imagination is our Fire-
Inexhaustible. Gyre and Gimble.
Not kept under puritan bushel.

There's a lot hidden in these shadows,
Absence. A twin imagined and projected,
Strange project.

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