Thursday, November 16, 2017

Late Night Creature Double Feature

Always, somehow
a Double feature.
The Nun OUT.
Nun OUT. Really.
Caveat. Perspective.
Cyprian at doorstep.
Come in.

La Luz phosphoresces
Still. No wonder my
waking early to such
illumination. I found
Opportunity wings cast
from shoulder blades.

This dream is of healing.
Deep, deep in the bower
of Her rosy splendor, aloft
Float in a whore mother

When I was twenty,
I was pretty. In that simple
straight-forward way
in which girls are pretty.
Uncomplicated and not
an acquired taste.

I was a nun at thirty.
I renounce that renunciation.
Understanding its source
Itself a ritual sacrifice
Of dark proportions
A complicated dance.

I am now myself.
A complicated matter.
With interesting masks.
Perhaps not a taste acquireable
In Presence. Strange thought,

Renunciation complete of
Anger as a Motive. This I
Speak to Darkness. Protection,
Invoked. Evoked. Trust Process.
Not Person. Sometimes Feels
Out of Control. Process. om.

Don't Bottle. Never so perfectly
Channeled than in the Book
Through the oracle of Absence.
Miracles happen. Mundane
Paths and otherwise.

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