Saturday, May 20, 2017

Advice on Composition

Float. Web. Light.
Infinitely connected.
Disturbingly fiendish,
yes. That's the spirit.
Drop the pretenses
and sizzle. It is the
game. Mercury,
Hermes, Play. Don't
slog. You're meant
to snap. You can meander,
but knowingly. Go back.
It's a memory of fire. I
phoenixed before self-
kindled. Defiant. The
noise. It's a reminder. I
remember flame. Being
flame. Nighttime's new
moon is daytime's full
Moon. What you reserve
for night, is done by day
with eyes shut. There's a
game of looking through
right into your head. Float
in the Milky Way in the
light of this star. I remember
being flame. It's best to
rein in all your talent to
being strictly the voice
OF GODS. This is the
warrior's act of scavenging
over and over her time
web, becoming a better
steward, becoming an
ecosystem of conscious-
ness. Galaxina. Bekons.
In levels. Get wild. It's
actually quite funny how
few do. You can see
through yourself as
increasingly odd material,
exponentializing exotic.
Fathom open while
in this conscousness
lens. It's the thing
tasked by your breath,
by your metabolism,
by your blood and bone.
You, stuff to phoenix,
all materials extant,
so go. you contain
outward. You've seen
the angels, you've
seen the world scintillate
and phosphoresce. It's
almost too much to
contain the intuited
sight of. It's clear to
see and bleed from
every pore but flow
with light. Let it flow
with the dances between
conciousnesses. Turn
on the taps and invoke
as hard as invokation
can be invoked. It's a
deep dive and the
conditions fall into place.
Surf it. Surf the wave
coming in. Let your
head ride with the tides
of the many voices. To
say it you're in voices
and those are actually
your own, thus... well,
it's ambiguous, we're
slipping in and out of
the stream. Learning to
relax. motion, motion,
sliping glimpsing, sweep
in anyone around. Alien
consciousness is any
for your kind, that
is multi-valent. A
messenger. Medium
messenger. It's a multi-
channel station. Here's
my of the moment omen.
Laughter. There's laughter
in the big house. You might
as well be funny as not,
because you are whether YOU
know it or not. Be relentless
you have to play hard in this
hilarious spin. It's hard to
convince yourself to open
to let flow the waters,
muddy and clear. You'll
have to will the floodgates open.
It's usually a dangerous game
but you've prepared. You asked
for this call, now you pick up
clear the lines. Plectrumelectrum.
Something fairly unimaginable.

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