Sunday, May 21, 2017

Somehow November

The fall ball, ruby
slipper to Emerald,
the stage emerges,
and Cinderella
prepares for debut.

Do we come to freedom like thieves, ready to flee as soon as responsibility shows its face? Or do we approach the divine flame as a hearth goddess, faithful to the power we claim? Reclaiming our freedom, and the power that comes with it, is the first step. The second is reshaping our world with that power, taking full responsibility for the result.

This is subject,
opposites and
containing seed.
All useful pieces.
Contain the
opposition. Grace.
It's freeing in
both.  They argue
different paths
that meet by shared
tributaries.  this
was always the
final piece. The
agreement. Freedom
and Justice are not
mutually exclusive.
These lenses share
light. I hear laughter.
It's the squirrel on
the telephone line.
I'll take laughter
as mocking agreement
It's about time.
Yours to amend.
The messenger's been
diving. For valuables
in dark places. Scorpionic.
it takes time to unpack.
second-generation virtue
relentlessness in
every shade Steely
annealed and
metalurgic, the
alchemy derives
from these dances.
pluto backs uranus
mars with saturn
Wingspan of the
Phoenix. That's part
of the mystery.
Trembling under
the left wing of a
bird made of flame
that nests in her
hair of flame,
you find a way
into the complex,
I need la, la, la, la,
I need ooh, la, la, la.

Venus and Hermes
tango. to the hum of
metal-electron vibe...
Got a match. You'll
get what you're after.
Very likely. here. is
where you should be.
You will see. It's good
you remember the
house. We are in
the fire we are in
the fire not consumed
favored daughters
phoenix from mortality
make your myth
in layers. The more
you embroider
the more ground
groundwork you've
put down to the
ecto-sphere. Which
is this project, a
mythos echoing
to become goddess
containing. Seduction.
to the most wonderful
electric. sarcophic
is the poets myth
catapault starward
don't say you're
being tempted. It's
long been the project.
why else such monumental
struggle to kindle match,
or conflagration. You've
worked at the friction,
but you still have to flow.
You'll take your ascension
from ecstasy, but a hard
angel rises.

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