Monday, May 22, 2017

Couldn't Stop Me Now

Saturn/Mars-Uranus/Pluto it's the architecture in which the heart, Venus, lives. Alone, self kept, More than metaphor. Of this lifetime. Lucinda, diamonds are the hard stuff and chosen, self. A difficult angel to master. needles, align, you are consulting, the heart is a rhizome your damaged, trying to mend, you're stretch, It's new, the heartbreak now. It's all jumped dimensions, levels, to relearn the story in yet another way, which is the book. It is. the transmission was received in both directions. you already knew the truth. Ask what you're studiously ignoring. Do it at intervals. Really find something out for a change. Yeah, this is happening and somehow all know it. It's a lesson in reading the omens. Other people as oracles. They keep check by not knowing. Everyone who isn't a medium is a drunk from that point of view. What I see right now is that most humans have almost no capacity to light without burning. Flame is the next phase and phoenix are it's creatures. You're seeing it like it is. Don't worry about what you keep. Just try to get it down in words. Yes, in several dimensions. Dementions. Don't forget that it is of the utmost seriousness, this joke. And the joke's on, well, it's a good joke of the sort that everyone gets to be in on. Keep that in mind. Your species is just so stuck on the linear that nobody sees what's right there in front of them. You're all so hard to get through to. Rarely get through, the simplest things. You ripped your heart out quite literally with your struggling against what you already knew, and now must clear the blockages you erected to feeling your heart. Venus disconnected in a fortress is more than a metaphor. The archetypal flows exactly through, so you have a vast back story from which you're drawing. You know this. These are the backstories, so you reference them. Plugging into the mythic web you already feel the blockage at your heart in your story loosen because the net of vessels it gains tributary to. Yes, those are snakes that were your hair. This was place held for you. Read the myth again. Beauty. Jealousy. A goddess fearing occultation by a talented newcomer. The guys were interested. Stick with it. You know the story very well. Female jealousy, transformation of the one they fear, to them a monster, To her she's no monster. She's a tripartate star. So serene, she wishes the heart. Not to be afraid. Trying to fix him was what nearly did you in. You're close right now, so the slowing down and getting the words is a way to move it through the body. You're taking a line, a narrative, and slowing it to examine its textures, its nuances. as a way of letting it lose. You could remember this from Castaneda. Storytelling as a way of knowledge. This is the practice. Spirit is speaking to you a great deal. Fear has to end. The images you conjure of death are to scare yourself. That is not a thing to fear. It's baked into you, so forget it. This is a fancy way to say, "stop telling yourself your dying. you've been doing this ever since fifth grade. You're being dramatic." No, nobody's telling you it's excusable any more. Get braver. Not telling what happened during the black times. When you were stepped out. Ask to see it. I'm asking to see it. Did you doubt you said it? Those words came. the receiver actively not thinking about it. Refuses to. You need to turn and look at the one you would lead from Hades. This is essential, because you mean to leave hades alone. things unfold fast. stay calm. Your heart is a bird hatching as it's supposed to. don't struggle. You're also the bird. rushing is the danger. lust of result can drive one too hard. you can choose to relinquish as phoenix burning those connections in your own self made flame, or end up the hag, swelling, bloating, unable to let go. You're telling yourself a cautionary tale, so best listen. But also the narrative is having the effect of sorting it, freeing it. But yes, Rosetta is the message. The hag just agreed to act it out. But you're sending yourself the message as well. They like you on the other side of the great divide. I mention this because they wish to say things. Alma would be in the story. Something funny. I'll contribute it. We're the Vane sisters. I'm the Sibil. You knew you had a vane sister. Alma. Lesson in oracals. the sign at the stone hut and example of "a drunk." "do not fear, beer is near." You were drowning your fear in alcohol as he joked.

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