Thursday, May 25, 2017

Dreams for the Poet, Masked

Don't let your head get turned
they say, they say,
by any wandering wolfish stray.
company to keep a long way,
forest dark and deep.

A timely warning from a voice,
That lives in archetype's space,
Do remember the syncopations.
Sometimes missing the rhythm,
misses the thunder perfect.

Get into character using the beat,
to put on the mask, don vestiment.
Remember always that many roads
converge to the cross that meets
at the convergence of rhizomes.

That's what hearts are for, multitudes
which is why so rarely they get used.
These disguises are myriad as the
company you keep. So your friends
choose them wise and well and friends.

Sometimes it all comes in times
disordered to the lines you construct
back through circular motions to find
the pieces out of time and place put
it all together in various ways

Medium and message need voices
as various as achievable. So, yes
these masks of Orpheus are keys
lyric and harp and music and voice.
Lust. You recognize now, for life.

The element of fire needing to burn,
so you invoke like mad who does that
oh, who indeed does that but phoenix
seeing it as a dance to the wild electric
this was the dream about fear. of change.

Fear of change all comes down to fear.
the basic one. the final thing they have.
the last tether as it were, imagine what
they could do to you. the bureaucrats
of the barely beyond. vampires.

It's delicate this monstrosity. don't
this sort of linguistic turning
sort well. they turn the basic
machinery of algorithms that
are self referential, that's a catch.

Appearances are frighteningly poor
for knowing things at depth invoke
fast luck to your  words and keep to
internal rhythm s thm. l. it shows
to spider seekers you seek to weave

Your vertebra a staircase. stairs. that
too long denied integration, seizes.
that's the lesson in seizing. Held too hard,
anything seeks release. A dual art is
holding, hold yourself too hard and
YOU try to escape.

Fear is the ten pound chain that you
pretend is better made than it is
but maybe it's also your spine. Head,
scratcher that bit. Torture the metaphor
enough and it becomes insurmountable

Which is to say you don't get caught
in your own web.   Space   and   time
Leave yourself the messages. Back
through. makes a sense you don't see.
You craft your own lessons, subtle ones.

You're skilled at chess. The bets hedged.
They're topiary, of course, and they get
around. You always bet against the house.
Because you've seen the high side and
the bureaucrats are vampires, not sparkly

who just had some tainted product right
here. Right here. Here. Because they
have a might outbreak of the contagion.
Got a red pill, themselves, a red pill.
This stuff you   play  is like poison.

darts from small tree frogs in the Amazon
if those darts could spread a wild zing
through the entire ecto-sphere where every
turn is a virus and you've tricky figured
conceptual engineering to the strata

Level up. Opening the heart is a tricky
project. Head always captain, wishes
no adjustment to symmetry. This voice
the direct line to mythic-- the pattern
anti-similarities between disparate items.

Stinky cheese and shit on Everest for example.
factoring out the usual factors, searching for
the dissonance in the valences. Dissonance
leads to discovery. To anti-metaphor. which
leaps straight back to metaphor the instant


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