Saturday, May 27, 2017

Orris Scented Night

Jungle architecture, this paradise
city, in a living heaven habitrail,
we invoke the monsters and gods.
I speak in a voice electric, to the
boundaries of night sky neverend.

Neverend back to begin and again,
paths not all yours, going by wills
they do guide, to relenquish, your
part, in order to observe the tide
drop of ink into a wild ecosystem.

Learn by going where to go, and
play every part. That's the trip to
exotic locales with odd customs.
Wild fun. native-inhabit, to release,
the sparks of the heart. generate

Masks freeing all the spirits who
would do their will and have its
fruits  their own. agency. desire
to regress goes nowhere. knowing
doesn't go back. All you ask (why)

To unsee what cannot be unseen?
Having trekked that canyon,
why forget its great wisdom?
You play for many right now,
make it loose and quickkkkkk.

Tickkking kkkick, slow and slick.
Go to hell, they all say, just do.
It's a place to summer. So exciting.
no martyrs need apply except the
trickster minds. Lucky star. Mask.

Galaxina Medusa. Limit is where
Imagination gives out. which
is why the many heads, the eyes
in all directions. the steps.
it is ultimately to understand all.

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