Monday, May 22, 2017

What's This Place and Why This Hand-basket?

"It's all fun and games until it isn't." That's what they always say. I take this to mean that there is that moment in every cluster fuck, when one looks around and realizes, yes, this is indeed hell and we do appear to be riding in this driverless, or madman-piloted, hand-basket. That realization is usually stark. What's much harder to define in retrospect is the series of small events that lead one to deciding that the hand-basket was a reasonably good means of conveyance through a demon infested inferno.

The meet-up with Clarity often resembles the most ill-advised blind date ever. The one where the date arranges to pick you up in a hand-basket bound straight for hell, but you think that's a metaphor. Her penchant for being fashionably late then causes her to send the ride to you. She'll meet you there. You'll remind yourself later that your own trust was crucial. Hindsight is a bitch when paired with Clarity. 

This is usually the last date you'll ever have. In the event that you return from it, however, you'll find Clarity a useful ally, providing you decide to listen to council. 

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