Monday, May 29, 2017

Fun and Games

Gliding o’er all, through all,
Through Nature, Time, and Space,
As a ship on the waters advancing,
The voyage of the soul — not life alone,
Death, many deaths I’ll sing.
Walt Whitman

  a global map of modern Western civilization: from its roots in a Lockean/Newtonian liberalism founded in empiricism and hands-on innovation all the way to its contemporary denouement in an abstract capitalism of runaway corporations unresponsive to human ideals.

To the only bidder,
story: desperation.
the reduced state of the common woman
the failure of the boom to lift because
economic boom hypnotized. A hot-house
flower's ecosystem.

To the great hereafter
story: transcend to ascend
by really understanding,
which is the only letting go------
that counts. which is forgiveness.
A weed's ecosystem.

To the supressor,
Story: demi-urge.
pulls weeds. selects
weakness. is the
machinery of evolution
gone to seed in the system.

Stage and set design,
the demi-urge.
He's always trying to
control. . . <00

The Wizard
Story: Steals The Show.
Making Time.
Recapitulate to deterritorialize
then reterritorialize through
the spawning anew in other
form. This is masking to
unmask. shape.

Step. Fool. On path.

That candy colored clown,
they call the sand man. Whispers
in my dreams most every night,
it's alright.

primordial unity grasped only
by means of frenzy-- solution, 
by dissolution to the greater 
whole.  Novel-ty. 

Poetry for distillation. 
Langauge boiled-- steam
and back and examined for
dissonances, reverberations,
better as oracle, becoming. 

The message is to use it all
get around juice. You have to
get used to the fluidity. Get used to it. 
The resistance. be your oracle
by conversation. Just listen 
to your advice. It's hard to
be a god. Upstream color.

Narrator is a crazy killer believed
crazy by those who wouldn't recognize 
crazy if they looked in the mirror. 
connections with the cold open more explicit

Warning that some will not like it. 

No house can exist without an extended “territory” 
The myth of privacy is foundationless, and 
There is no choice but to exert power (of some kind) 
within a given territory. 

Mythic is reknit by a nameless storyteller. 
who is Medusa and Persephone and Ariadne

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