Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Time Travel Altar of Infinity Through the Venus Complex

The linguistic pieces are complicated and unfolding.
spiked bodies in scarlet enfleshed and enfolding
seeing. Its surrealism inhabiting and rhizomic
in dimensions. Box of blackness, indeed. Altar
of the edges of day. Come on in. Waters fine.
wide open road in all directions. In for a landing,
flying out in every direction. There's a mapping
of things that enters the rhizome to eternity. Open,
Seeing. Simultaneity is the prism. Mass of chaospheres
each a piece of a piece of eternity. This mirror. You'd
replace the orb and re-enchant. That's what evolution
is. Deaths and rebirths and constant reflection like a
disco ball to space/time vision. We
were smokin' and jokin' in the boys' room in a somber
sunny day. There were wildfires burning out of
control. I spoke an uncomfortable truth, but for
I hope. you. Realism in truth because what we
witness is our time. You are your record. For
this you must embody your truth and face that
it is not for everyone. Never was going to be.
Tenacity is the most important of virtues.

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