Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Make Things This Slippery

Truth filters are for
catching different
sized bits. This
it resorts sediment
It's a way method,
among many for
sorting by different
Love is a strict
machine. Is all.
house of mirrors
we press ourselves
to understand love
It's the lining in
all and the stuff
at particle level
beneath that as
organizing principle.
I'm doing the
explaining for HER.


It jumps. This is
rhythm to invoke


Of course.
Solar. Your
own archetypes
appear. Not all
human. Sisters.
Spirits. Opening
yourself is the
Nothing more
needed. You
can't rush anything.
Ever. Let it go.
Lessons in omens
. yahoo. mail.
repeating. peel
it like an onion.

They find you
confused and
confusing. It's
all those eyes,
take it as you
like. through
lens of humanity
some rapt.

 “It’s  like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” 
And these events don’t seem at all like an accident.

Which is the way
they distract you
over and over. 

The Gnostics utilized many rituals to achieve this, so your mileage may vary. Ultimately, it’s about breaking fate, knowing that the Archons truly own our body that we only rent at a high-interest rate and that our thoughts can become free with the right information.

On the immediate other
side, the one who is there
is a low level bureaucratic
employee, and you need jump
skate. Shake and shimmy. Get
flint ready, and spark. so many stuck waiting.
they want to run through your
time, steal it. Some spirits squirt
out the sides. TYT. tell your truth,
take your time. Same thing.

Squirt out and become a decent monster.
You'll be so glad you did. Monstering is
pretty good times, from what I hear.

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