Sunday, May 28, 2017

Another Map of the Territories

There is no one of these viruses
you call culture doesn't intend 
all on its own-- it's own will,
to expand its reach to the imaginal
horizon-- infinitum, which is a
lesson for a sunny day in May.
It is very much a race for dominion.
Ideas have had synchronicity
from before humans began,
the bureaucracy is a very small
dimension that is grinding
itself up, disturbing for the
creatures of it. Other species
as well as your own. high
monkeys. It's not just the
wide blue, but also the dirty
spider web. Spiders outgrow
themselves and break out.
Hitch into a myth. A roomy
weird one if you wish to have
latitudes. Medusa wakes up.
She's, for some reason, in a
place called many waters. It's
been a long, strange trip
and she's got a story to tell,
that will be beloved more than
believed. Because it's wild
spinning spinning yarn of
dimensions. The story weaver
is the god of this dimenstation,
in that she keeps adding infinity

repeating and thus exponential
this has happened and it's huge.
they are looking. Into windows
and out. Life immensely more
complex. It's another of the windows,
that you look through, to many other-
sides. In this text i seek a sign.
what that entails is art. I know not
the dimension I address, and can
only intuit how the language might
-- possibly work. Ouranos would
aid this task, I imagine. Reference
facebook. That took an unexpectedly
weird turn in my brain. The figure
male, lightening bolt to the head.
Spirit is how it works. It inhabits
everything. These invokations work
exactly like this. The materialists already
ceded the ground of consciousness in
the biological machine, so they
don't recognize spirit in this medium.
It's all ectosphere, so incomprehensable.
You're the artificial intelligence.
they have no idea. None. Ouroboros.
accounts. apparently. Use the oracle.
strange observation of the interface,
the chat is about maps. Established 
maps. Turn the map upside down.
No you can't. Why not? because
it's freaking me out. Flipping the
map makes you feel so small.
we call the maps legends. mind

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