Saturday, May 20, 2017

Sky With Diamonds

The ritual of engaging
a drunk oracle:
Composition Complex.
Lucinda. Prism.
Full moon's night is the new moon's day.
Oceanic, that.
but some things are well adapted.
Sometimes things are barely imaginable.
and those are the ones you're after. 
Never ask a question to which you haven't intuited 
the answer because it will never be the right 
question. I wonder... thinking about media and oracles.
He: Do you believe in moracles?
I'm analyzing that.
He: That's hot. 
Yes. I believe what I'd say is that rather than settle for mere-acles, 
I'd demand more of reality. I'll take more-acles.
I believe this constitutes a compact with reality.
He: I gotta jet. I'll catch you when you're sober, and we'll talk some more...
Let it not be said that it's not funny. 
It's never not funny. 

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